Society & Modern Research
(About The Book)
(About The Book)
“Acharya Rattan Lal Verma” former officer, Researcher, Social Worker, Ex-president of 5 NGO’s and presently working with 2 NGOs. Honoured and Awarded for his significant services in Social and Environmental fields for more than 25 times by many NGOs. Had been engaged with many scientific, other departments of Govt, guided and advised on several issues. Succeeded in getting laws, policies made by the Govt by making continuous restless efforts for years together, by launching unique campaigns for safety of life, wildlife and environmental conservation with full dedication and strong determination in addition dissemination of knowledge by explaining the Environment in its real meaning, its degradation with new definitions, and suggesting Remedial Measures.
The book is about the collection of published articles of the Author on Global Warming, Earthquakes, Earth Imbalance, Floods, Forest Fire, Wild Life, Loosing Soil Productivity, Water Crises, Plastic Pollution, Other aspects of environment, its degradation, suggesting reformative measures, showing Research Conclusion, New Definitions and distinguished Achievements of the Author.