Awards & Achievements - Acharya Rattan Lal Verma
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Awards & Achievements


(High Order Remarkable Achievements in Environmental & Social Fields without any salary, grant, contribution, pension or without pressure of men gathering, pages IV (2-6), V (7,10,11,12) and VI. Chapter 2,3,4,5,7,10.

Legislation Making

    1. Launched unique Campaign to  get the legislation made to minimize loss of lives and property during earthquake . After Continuous restless efforts for 10 years succeeded in achieving goal as the legislation was made by HP (India) govt.This achievement was also highlighted by media in editorial and others pages in India and other countries. Chapter 3, Pages IV(2), 39-57, 58-109.

Success in minimizing plastic pollution

    1. Succeeded in getting first ban imposed by HP (India) govt. in 2003 on the sale and use of polythene  bags to minimize Plastic pollution. Pages IV(3), 110-129, 379, 383, 384.

Wild Life Preservation

    1. Worked for Years Together for wild life conservation and succeeded in getting policy formed. Pages 134-141 and 399.

Found Out real reasons of Mysterious Midnight Satluj River Fatal Flood

    1. Highlighted the actual reasons responsible for fatal satluj River flood of 31st july midnight 2000 that smashed away the lives of hundreds of people and thousands of animals in Himachal Pradesh (India) by getting detailed article published in many news papers and removed the doubts about the reasons among public, as self contradictory news were being published in media. 3 months after the publication of reasons by the author, the Remote Sensing Agency Hyderabad sent the report to H.P. Govt on the reasons of this flood and the reasons shown in this report were almost the same as had already been published by author.(page IV(6) and 12-18. This remained matter of discussions in print media for months together.

Re-inclusion of Big Areas in Special planning Arias

    1. Got 52 villages Re-included by HP (India) govt. in special planning area for safety of life during natural disasters and in interest of environment Friendly development. Pages V(7),189-200.

Girl Child Protection

    1. Worked for Protection of girl child. Pages V(12) and 395.

Promotion of Literacy

    1. Worked as star campaigner and made continuous restless efforts travelled thousands of KMS on foot without TA DA in the field of literacy that stood hamirpur district of H.P.(India) to rank 2nd in whole of the India in literacy. Pages 378, 384-388 and V(11).

Efforts for change in seismic zone

    1. Making efforts to get seismic zone of Govind sagar Lake of Bhakra dam changed in the light of changed geographical conditions for adoption of more safety measures for protection of life .Pages 191, 201-202, V(10)

Presentation of Research papers in seminars

    1. Participated in many national seminars organized or sponsored by Govt. and presented papers on environment, its degradation and natural calamities showing remedial measures.

Creation of Environmental Awareness and Social services

    1. Created awareness about environment protection and its degradation among billions of people of North Indian States by getting articles published regularly since 1990 in many daily newspapers , by delivering lectures in colleges , schools through own developed website on internet and also have been working in social field for more than 40 years. (Chapter 2 to 10)

Organization of Blood Donation camps etc.

    1. Organized Free eye operation and blood donation Camps Page VI(14) Chapter 10, 381

Suggestive remedial  Measures for farmer’s upliftment

  1. Took up matter with the Central Govt of India for solution of farmer’s problems suggesting remedial measures. Pages 346-371