Change In earth pole location - Research Published In Year 2004 By Acharya Rattan Lal Verma
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Change In earth pole location

Change In Earth Pole Location

(Research Published In year 2004)

It was concluded and published by the Author that with the rapidly increasing speed of snow melting on earth pole due to global warming, the balance of earth will be affected, resulting in dislocation of earth pole, change in world time and seasons. The article showing this conclusion of author was published on 19 July 2004 and 2nd Sep. 2004 which is reported in Book at pages 34-35 and news  appeared on this 26 Aug 2004 and 20.

On 16 May 2009 news appeared in Indian News papers quoting  about Great Foreigner Researchers that due to the melting of snow on pole, the gravitational force of Earth will be affected which can affect the rotational behavior of earth (Page – 21).


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